
Thursday, February 16, 2012

ABC Dates

I got an email from an old friend today and it not only made me smile, but took me back to some of the best memories of my life.  It simply said...
Did I ever tell you that {my husband} and my favorite thing to do is letter dates? I got that idea from you and honestly has been a great things for our relationship!So thanks!!!!
Back when my husband and I first started dating I was having a hard time with him paying for every date we went on (he's very chivalrous like that!).  In our discussion of it, he agreed to let me plan and pay for 1 date a month.  From there we came up with the idea of ABC dates.  We decided to each take one letter of the alphabet each month and plan a date incorporating as many things as we could with that letter.  Some letters were easy and some were not (a dictionary & google were our friends), but with each date came new experiences and new memories that would forever serve as part of the foundation of our relationship.

If you're looking for some direction in dating (or dating your spouse), I highly recommend ABC dating.  Make a book of photos & stories to share as well, not only is it an awesome experience with someone you love, but you never know who you are inspiring in the process!

Side note: the pages of photos & stories make great table markers/centerpieces for a wedding :)

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