
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Good Riddance Valentine's Day!

February 14th always brings the little 'holiday' we call Valentines Day and on February 15th, I can't help but feel a little sigh of relief.  In our marriage we have never celebrated Valentines Day.  It's not because we don't love each other & it's not because of hostility or lack of passion; it's that we resist the obligation & commercialism of the day.  

People that know us well will tell you that we are one of the most romantic couples ever, but we have never exchanged Valentines Day gifts.  My husband has never bought me chocolate on the 14th (my waist line thanks you honey!), he has never purchased flowers for Valentines (which are not romantic in my book anyway...thoughtful, yes but romantic, no) & we have never broken our budget for things neither of us really need (and whose idea was it to market stuffed animals to grown women anyway?).

Year after year, I hate being asked 'what did you get' and 'what are you going to do to celebrate?'  I get stuck in my answer, feeling like I am walking a fine line between being honest, painting an inaccurate picture of our marriage & making my husband look like an a-hole. Don't get me wrong, I love being in love & I love romance, but that has nothing to do with Valentines Day.  

Love & romance abound everyday of the year here and for that I am thankful.  I have no need for obligatory gifts or an overpriced crowded dinner out (although I would never pass up the opportunity to not have to cook or clean) but, now that our boys are quickly approaching 4, we have to figure out how to celebrate the holiday with and for them.  It's a slim chance that they'll date & marry a girl that doesn't want more on Valentines Day and we want to prepare them for that.  

We've got a few ideas running in our heads...maybe we'll split boys & girls in the house and each group can plan something unique & special for the other.  Or, maybe future Valentines Days will be filled with daddy/daughter & mother/son activities.  Or even better yet, maybe next year we'll do a family random acts of kindness day.  Anyone have other ideas to share?  Leave a comment...I like them :)

Photo Credit: Facebook


  1. I like the random acts of kindness day. We didn't do anything this year, and I really wasn't into it. If he had come home with flowers and candy, I would have internally rolled my eyes, because I've talked about how I didn't really want anything. It just feels so forced, no?

    1. Totally forced! Sincerity & the unexpected are always better...and I don't even like surprises :)
